Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another confirmation of why we moved to Denver

Today I went to an assistive tech meeting at Braydon's school and boy was I blown away with excitement! They are so excited to have a child like Braydon to work with. We have been told by numerous professionals (ex. Physical therapists, speech therapists etc.) how they are amazed at what they see in Braydon. He is bright and just so ready to learn. This specific team has come in to look at possible ways to get Braydon to communicate. They are toying with the idea of using his foot and knee to activate switches for communication. There is also a new eye gazing system which allows him to scan through different pictures with his eyes and will speak the choices. We spent two hours together. Mind you Braydon is in a year round school and is actually on a track break right now, so most of the people involved came in on their own time.(I tried to imagine that happening in Vegas) We will be meeting again next week and they are bringing in some of the devices we have discussed for trial. I also am setting up an appointment for Braydon to go to a simulation clinic for a power wheelchair. This facility has a simulator that Braydon sits in and tries all different ways of moving a chair around himself. This will allow us to see the best and easiest way for him to function in a motorized wheelchair. It also has the ability to show if the communicating device and the way he uses the communicator will work while he moves himself around. I am overwhelmed, excited and grateful that these things are happening. After sitting there and watching Braydon get so excited, smiling from ear to ear, as he is asked by the the therapists if he likes using his eyes, foot, and knee to activate a switch to speak to us, I am so grateful for the decision we made to move here, as hard as it is and was on us, Braydon's smile makes it so worth it!


  1. Hey chica!!! I am so glad you are loving it in Colorado ;) That is amazing about Brayden. I am sure you and your family will be blessed for moving there. You never know what Heavenly Father has in store. Amazing how He works!

  2. No big surprise that sevices are better there. We miss you guys, but if it means that Braydon can get the services he needs we'll let you stay in Denver. :)
