Friday, July 16, 2010

A Baby Bird Leaves It's Nest...

We were very fortunate to have a bird nest right out front of our home. We watched the mama and daddy bird build the nest,Mama stay and keep her eggs safe,The baby bird eggs hatch,The mama bird come and feed the birds,Mama coach her baby bird out of her nest to fly, Now the nest is empty....

Madisyn and Braydon started their new school year on July 6th and I too feel like that nest. My baby has grown and left to be at school all day. She is now in the first grade and I am home alone(not quite yet, the older three don't start school until August). For the last fifteen years I have had a child at home with me. I feel a great sense of accomplishment as I sent them off to school. I am mama bird. We built their nest, I kept my babies safe as they grew, and helped them to become independent to leave the nest, to go to school.
I know this is not like me to write so comparingly to something such as a bird nest, but it just seemed so parallel to my life right now.
Braydon is in the third grade now and we just got the new COMMUNICATION DEVICE we have been working on since last year! I will add pictures and tell you how it goes. I went in for four hours one day and learned a lot about it. Braydon came in and got it calibrated to his eyes, so he can move the cursor around the screen. He immediately was asking them to turn the TV on!
Madisyn is excited to be in school all day now and eating lunch at school is such a big deal. I asked her how it was eating lunch at school and she said, "Great! I even got a free chocolate milk!" To which I was a little puzzled? I asked her how she had gotten a free milk and she told me that they had a big cooler full of milk and she just went up and got one! OH! BOY! I did explain to her that those were not free and that she needed to pay for that one.

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